Membership Guidelines

*Membership is valid for 2 adults and the number of children in your household.

*The 2 adults listed on the membership form must be the same 2 adults every visit.

*The names of the adults cannot be changed at any time (not applicable to military families).

*Check in and proof of identification is required for every visit. A photocopy of your ID will be taken upon purchase.

*You may purchase 5 extra visitors passes for an extra $15. One pass per visit, valid for both adults and children.

*Memberships do not grant any discounts for events or classes that require payment.

*Daycare memberships are not a part of the ACM Reciprocal Program.

*For daycare memberships, every additional child over the 10 child limit or additional staff, is $15 extra for the year.

*You are issued one membership card for the year.

*If a membership card is lost, one replacement card will be given free of charge.

*If lost a second time, a $5 charge will be applied for a new card.

*If a second membership card is needed, one can be purchased for $5.

*Members with cards purchased before January 2015, do not have to abide to these rules and are under the grandfather clause. However, when and if they renew, they will have to follow new guidelines.

*We no longer offer the Snowy Plover membership, which is the one that comes with the private party. However, we do still offer the Gull Membership, which is the one with the party during operating hours.